Outdoor Green Gym

Our newly launched outdoor Green Gym is located in our Community Garden.

A section of our Community Garden has been fitted with outdoor gym equipment – including a Leg Press; Chest Press; Rowing Machine; Air Walker, Cross Rider; Static Bike and cross trainer, rowing machine, static bike and much more.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support od Gentoo and the GF Foundation.

The range of outdoor activities in the Garden aims to create a relaxing, social space for everyone to enjoy.

The equipment can be used on a drop-in basis to begin with.

The cycle is just like a regular bicycle, which offers a great cardio workout. Perfect for trimming up, building the leg muscles and working on stamina.

This unit is suitable for all users and has a familiar element for all ages to enjoy.

The Cross Rider aims to give the user a full body cardio workout – using the arms and legs simultaneously . This unit works all the major muscle groups and is perfect for trimming up and maintaining a healthy body and figure.

Simply stand on the foot plates and move your legs and arms forwards and backwards holding onto the handles.